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* tyroklone Meant for people who need help based on anything you want
2015-10-12 13:51 · (0)
* tyroklone Presh please I need ur help I need code for Adding a favicon beside my web address and also hw to do it
2015-10-12 19:07 · (0)
* presh * tyroklone Get d link to ur ima5e u want 2 use ma-e sure d size is 16 * 16. Den input it in dis code
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""/>
Copy code
paste it on ur header tag if u want it 2 show everywhere. Make sure u paste it as d first tin in d header
2015-10-13 09:52 (edited 2015-10-13 09:54 by presh ) · (0)
* tyroklone * presh No am not using urs I want to use mine I already ave an image which is 16*16 but how do I add it to the code so dat it will work or will u do it for me.I will send u d picture
2015-10-13 10:25
* favicon.ico · image/x-icon · 1.12KB
· (0)
* presh * tyroklone That's not mine it empty. Give me d link 2 d image let me put it 4 u
2015-10-13 10:39 · (0)
* tyroklone * presh How do i get an image link because I don't ave any yet please explain to me hw or is it dat I will go to my file browser and click on create file and I will name it images or how please teach me
2015-10-14 07:52 · (0)
* presh * tyroklone There are two tinx needed. 1 a folder 2 a html file(webpage). Create a folder were u will upload files. E.g. Game, apps, themes, etc. You will create all dis @ ur filebrowser . Below u will see create folder-create file- upload file. So create a file now. And den give name like e.g. GAMES, APPS,THEMES. So dat u can paste ur filelist in den so dat a user can download. Note d d html file name is different from d folder name. Dey are in capital letters.
2015-10-14 08:19 · (0)
tyroklone * presh Okay have done dat but wat else do I do next
2015-10-14 08:48 · (0)
* presh * tyroklone Paste a file list in d html page. Do you have a filelist and download page
2015-10-14 09:54 · (0)
* tyroklone * presh No I don't ave a file list can u help me get a file list please
2015-10-14 10:36 · (0)

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